Out of home
out of peace
Remain heart
only where
Someone beloved
is there
exercise of mind
Who can achieve greatness so kind?
Oh! Why one
is not at satiate state
Having so
vast world under control
Beast is human
But alas!
Human is wild wolf
Boasting on
his narrowing erudition
Really what
he has is nothing!
Yet he is
proving high cry little wool
He never
accepts his faults
confession is learning
But he never
wants to learnHe considers himself all in all
And confession just submission
If man succeeded so far
In the field of artificiality
Losing naturalness and spontaneity
From out to in and in to out
Affectation has grown stout
Affection and love only for lust’s quench
Not really adopted by heart and mind
But for some purpose’s sake
They only relation make
Secretly they thy overtake
Though you repent for their lack
Blessed be thine spirit
That such scoundrel’s check
Not to guide but to mate
Oh! Still you are alive to put it right
Then I’d better put up on the planet site.
I just loved it........