
Is there a man who loves to depart?
From his loved one’s; want to retire
Pause; pause once and apply and appeal
Your mind and heart kind to find retort
I say hardly any of you will catch
If, by chance, you get one, match
Your love to me or mine to you
Can you say adieu me now
Who is always in your core and kernel? 

I never like farewell
Still I have to do with heavy heart
Gulping and closing the five ports of senses
To continue this linking and love forever

So foolishly I say to so many my loves
Not to meet for a short while
Or depart not so early
Live and love with me all the time
But alas! Realization opens, we are here for mine
Heaven or Time will satiate us, have faith

Every parting thing is dear to us
So is meeting deer delighting
And lighting a new corner of life
But O’ the thought of departure
Fills eyes and heart with what
I won’t tell; for your realization’s sake

Love not to anyone for a single moment
Or feel not; else be ready to lose
All your respite, mind and heart
For the love’s’ sake; not caring yours own

Love is self understanding out of bourn
Never take any influence or weakness
For the true love; for true love
Is possible only on mutually reciprocated relations

Love me not yet love yourself
As I can’t help loving
Allow me to love and like you
Dear – for I love you thee the most.


  1. lovely....its really hard to depart from our loved ones.

  2. lovely.....its really hard to depart from our loved ones.


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