Celebrating Diwali!

Diwali the fest of victory over the evil, the fest of lights and joy, the fest of prosperity and parity, the fest of likes and loves illuminates and infuses in us the charm, zeal and vigor to do even more, to live more and to outshine all the bright and brilliances around us. It would not be hyperbolic to say that every year it immaculately does lit up our lives for better hopes and opportunities. It strengthens our bonds, relations and beliefs. We all refer to it as get together and to bridging the abyss between families and among friends. It provides a great platform to address the differences of thoughts, feelings and attitudes from the past months and days.

It’s a lovely feeling altogether to celebrate Diwali. People can re-live their lives for this happy and auspicious experience. They travel thousands of miles out or in India to be with their families and friends just to have the feel, taste and jest of it. They surpass their worries of expenses and expenditures because they want to live this one day happily by any and all means. I’d always wish that we learn to live every single moment of our life like we live the Day Diwali.

How busy we become when it’s Diwali time. Not only we start cleansing and polishing but also decorating and embellishing everyone to everything at home. We beautify it so well that none wants to take the eyes off of it. Homemakers take special pride when they see the lingering looks back and forth on their hard work. They feel appreciated and rewarded if you chance to exchange a few words on their job. Can you imagine how satiating and loving it is for the elderly people? They receive their due respect irrespective of whom to where they are in their lives. They in fact have the more passion, enthusiasm and gusto because they carry exhaustive experience, they are wanted, they are regarded, they by this time realize the reality of life, and they know their less span of life ahead. Therefore, they commemorate the festival with extra energy and zest.

Children make it fun and fervor. They relish us for our cherished dreams’ accomplishment. They extend our motto to excel in life to set an example for them. Needless to say in todays time to harbor and harness the luxury of life for them. For them the festivals are merry making. They have to worry for nothing but gifts. They vouch for their higher and more collections over others. They play with gaiety, laugh out loud, promulgate beauty and make us happier than ever. They innocently become our favorites and we walk that extra mile of keeping them joyous, carefree and earnestly dear. Childhood is the only time we all would like to revisit and relive for those sweeter memories of hand holding to forgiven mischievous operations.

Teens and adolescences are kinky to watch. They freak around. They either add that extra bit of jollity or spoil the whole fest fun because at this age minds just start functioning towards the understanding of the world. Therefore, they try to become decisive. They are immensely into infatuation. Oftentimes, they take infatuation to the lovely love, which is considerably not true, in most fascinating relationships. Diwali becomes very enriching for them since parents would avoid questioning to maintain the mood of celebration. Youths take advantage of it. They are observed entertaining, engaging and amusing us and themselves indefatigably. They are considerate yet confused lot.

The parent figures, the middle aged, the responsible ones, the doers and the one who make this whole exercise meticulously memorable and life changing for all are we. We are the most looked upon and sought after. We are the ones who are so nicely exploited out of our wits that we never realize the facts and figures of relations but business. We are so lost into setting things right to better for our near and dear ones that we rarely peep into other matters of life. We at home are just followers or a nodding head regardless of what we are outside. How sensuous and sensitive it sounds that we are intently liked at home but very often disliked outside! We are the ones who are actually going through the hardships of life. We seldom let them know how difficult it is to make things happen for them. We become so fond of, under the pressure of responsibilities, love and loved ones that we subconsciously and silently habituate ourselves to bear all hurdles and impediments on others' behalf. We enjoy only for the fact that everyone around us is happy. I wish that Heaven havens all humans the hilarity and heart to take over on the course of their lives soon!

Celebrate, rejoice and reward yourself with a very happy day in life. May all the lit up lamps illumine and titivate your life with much coveted health, wealth, wisdom and power! Have a mirthful and happy Diwali!!!
Thanks and Regards, Som


  1. Very beautiful thoughts on the auspicious ocassion of diwali....wishing a very diwali to you my love...keep smiling always.....

  2. Very beautiful thoughts on the auspicious ocassion of diwali.....Wishing you a very happy diwali my love...Keep smiling always.


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