Understanding the pressure

How many of us feel under pressure? What is it and why we suffer of it? Is it a mental state? Is it over commitment or over confidence of doing or getting something done and then fear of losing on it for some reasons? Most probably it's tension of the fear rising from the unexpected occurrence/s. It's something which others put you under for no specified reasons most of the time. It could be as simple as that of between you and your casual friend talking over a subject and you accidentally reveal one of the very secret talk to him/her, and when you realize what you spoke, makes you ponder and tense of that and the friend must not leak it to anyone. This is a forceful thought which worries and pressures you to surrender to a certain extent. You start thinking of keeping your casual friend happy for no reason but slip of tongue. Now, it's your casual friend who makes it final that s/he is going to keep the secret a secret and frees you of your anxieties. If s/he wishes otherwise you are under pressure until you won't convert the casual friend into a close friend and then find out a few secrets of, about and from him/her and balance your life with him/her.

In this technologically advanced world every thing happens so fast, specially, thanks to the internet and tele-communication they have made it so impossible to keep a secret a secret. People can read minds, brains, personalities, body languages and implied meaning reading between the lines of your speech and article. Question arises "Can't we talk what we want?" We always can't be out of ourselves but want be within ourselves. When we want to be within ourselves we tend to clear out everything we have gathered as garbage internally, so that we can relax. It releases out in terms small funs so that others shouldn't realize that I hated it the most, rather, feel good that I loved it, so shared it.

Science or doctors may define the pressure otherwise but this is how we start building up burden unconsciously. There is peak when we can no longer sustain on the thoughts and see no other ways of getting out of the situation where we delved into, we become hyper sensitive and hyper tensed. We start living with the desease called hyper tension. I'd like to quote here that prevention is better than cure. You always need to be very careful of every step you take.

Control your tongue, behave naive, help if required, never over commit, know your limits, understand where to draw the line, consider the fact that there are several things which you cannot do and can do, focus on can do.There is always something which you don't know or not aware of. Life is constant learning. Therefore, always have a to do list and srtictly follow it to accomplish your goal. The well planned and organized time of 24 hours a day will take you heights. It'll help you getting rid of the pressure that you unwantedly put under frequently. You'll have only the limited stress which is required for motivation as we hardly work without being pampered by something or someone.

Let's plan the future, keep place for emergencies and lead the happy life. Hope we get better!

Thanks & Regards, Som


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