Life’s rugged course

Wish to be noble but to evil I turn,
Surge of passions inlay make my heart burn.
Long to be sober but gaiety finds favor,
Faith falters and devil allures me more.
Who is free from faults and life’s pangs?
Why all around everyone sobs and sighs?
Everywhere we hear shrill shrieks rend the skies,
Why people relish finding their fellows in troubles.
Shattered lay the cherished dreams of peace;
 Broken among men stand bonds of sweetness.
Curious we are to know what’s to happen;
Life’s mysteries unrevealed remain.
Veiled for us lay life’s ups and downs;
Better to be ignorant what in store lies.
Blessings in disguise prove miseries and pain,
Sorrows serve to maintain measured motion.
None but great souls steer life’s ship smoothly;
Every step stifling but they move on joyfully.
Adore those who fresh courage in us infuse,
Glory be to those who risk all for great cause.
Those indulge in things nefarious play foul,
Long lived stand the deeds that appeal to soul.
Ill doing punished, good deeds rewarded,
The wicked are abhorred, the noble adored.


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