Let’s vision bigger from the best passed regular day!

It’s again one of the as usual days with no great accomplishments. The routine of reluctantly listening to wife as she would force to lend her ears regardless of discussion points. It is peculiar about them that men surrender and obey them like the adored cow. They keep you so busy with almost nothing but themselves. What a trick to steal the time away they have devised! I oftentimes feel that man must get smarter, stronger and courageous enough to say NO to wife for the talks which he finds of less use without hurting her emotions. I’m sure that the day you get to do this, 80% of the problems of time management, relationship management and money management will be resolved. How much attention a man should pay to his wife is very much debatable. It is also disputable as the conflicts are different for all of us/men.

We have read, heard and learnt that women are hard to read, understand and handle. They are mystery within themselves. I recently discovered that they themselves are not sure how they get to react differently on the same situation every time. They say it is something to do with hormones and no worldly creature can recommend any fit remedy to their ever changing emotions, responses and reactions. It seems that God wanted to provide the proof that His creations are so dynamic, sensitive, and cautiously caring like Him for those whom they love and rigid, careless and brutally harsh but understanding towards them whom they hate.

I very often need to live two lives simultaneously; one that of who I’m and another that of who my wife wants to. It becomes a good experience when she finally finds a fit; but lo, the very next moment she would want me to change back to myself and the time I’m myself: I’m a stranger to her. (This is the experience of many of us)

Many of you will agree to the fact that we love them for what they are and what they keep doing even if it’s pestering and pressurizing us for all small and big things. I strongly believe that the girls have made this world worth living and so beautiful. Their characteristics of keeping themselves and surrounding up-to-date, clean, clear, and charismatically organized has developed the world to the level it is today. The great concepts i.e. LEAN used in bigger organizations, especially manufacturing are taken from their kitchen management. If they were not so observant and keen about everything they like and do, we would be in a great chaos.
There are several ways of closing a day like lethargically laying down on the bed, sluggishly calling on to your friends, or lazily eating away all the stuff available around or hesitantly passing the markets or playgrounds etc. It could also be working inattentively working at office and being less fruitful for the job hired for.

I like the regular days because they let us know the continuous flow of life and they tell that where we stand in the society at present; what more we need to do. The special occasions of happiness are somewhat filled up with some kind of unreality. The sorrows are real and we get back to our basics. We discover to what we are to who belongs to us. So, it was a good day. A day gone is a day lessened from the given life span. It is therefore to learn that we need to get faster, quicker and smarter to achieve the set goals. Therefore, let’s vision bigger from the best passed regular day!

Thanks and Regards, Som


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