Happy New Year

One year is passed and another is approached
Nay, one day is over and other is soar
Oh! Alas! How the days pass one by one, ‘coached’
Someday I myself will be no more
To enjoy the jolly spring and winter
But I pray the Almighty to sting with Him
(My physical presence may be neglected but not printer)
My name across the seas and lands with brim

Though Time will vindicate to fame or defame
Yet my endeavors will surely favor to help time
Can a tranquil baby suck his mother’s tame?
Even Heaven stoop to peep into virtuous mime 

Marvelous! Bravo! The assurance of my long being
Tends me to noble deeds which all merrily can sing!


  1. This year was my best new year......Bse u came in my life....I love ur writings.


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