On widening divides – as casual and intense view as it is!

On widening divides – as casual and intense view as it is!
Many a times, it seems like with the changing times the meanings and cultures are amalgamating with so fast fierce force that it’s becoming very blurry to distinguish the rights and wrongs of one’s existence. It’s pleasant to a point and then there is supposed to be a saturation. It is exhaustive to learn that it is surprisingly endless…! There are as many possibilities as many are lives. It is hideously fine to move along the flow. I, sometimes, get nervous in the current Geo-political-economic-social environment where it really gets demeaning at times. If you want to remain yourself then you’re arrogant with the varying level of aggression and if you want to be adaptive then you’re a rolling wheal and if you want to keep the best of all then you’re the opportunist with no values…!!! If you respect something then you’re the promoter of it and if you’re indifferent then you’re neither social nor approachable, believable and open… If you embrace certain values and principles to live by then you’re closed (not only reserved!). Everything is apparently so appealing that even the guts gratify and intuitions incline. It takes a village to not only walk the talk but also walk the walk and talk the talk.
There are certain questions that ruffle me over and over again for many considerations and the only rhetoric response my innermost gets me is “shouldn’t the humanity prevail!” for all… Is it really required to move submissively alongside perceptions and mental blocks and over assess lives for judgmental labeling! The level of insensitivity and intolerance has lately been rising rapidly. This only raises insincerity, insecurity, inadequacy, inferiority and insolvency of all kind and kindness. It is only getting darker with more lights. The time “Who” takes precedence over “What” for any reasons; it is bound to break the bars of the barred boundaries of beacons and benevolence.
It appears to be a layered thinking and feeling for failing the destined cause. Oftentimes, it’s difficult to identify intentions of events. It is possibly the opportune time for great happenings. Perhaps, it’s clarion call for the larger good! Maybe, it’s afresh to freshen up all that exists! Shouldn’t you have abundance of good and the best!! thanks, Som


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