Nostalgic: east or west, home is the best = mom!!!!!

Nostalgic: east or west, home is the best = mom!!!!!

O would I be a kid again! I’d like to stay childlike if not a child as that’s physically impossible since the time takes its own course and destines us where we must be. It’s not that I’m trying to suggest running away from hardships of maturing life; for my heart is ever attached to the heart of hearts – Mother. I believe in all visible and invisible, physical and metaphysical, life and death; the life beyond the life and death, nature and omnipresent almighty (this comes from personal choices and I credit all the good to my family for nurturing and allowing me what I want to remain and be!  I’m astonished with all the creations of man and man’s creator. I enunciate thanks and thanks to wonderful wonders of the earthly life but submit everything to heavenly hailed heart of mother.

It’s highly unimaginable for me to even consider to imagine myself without her. I dare not to think being away from her; however, the worldly chores keep tricking me for a pleasant time off-site. Had I had supreme powers to fulfill materialistic, physical and nature’s needs; I’d always be at her sight and service. I don’t know what miracle and magic works almighty put in her that I always feel myself full, lively and hearty even at a single sense of her. Each word of her is no lesser than a mesmerizing melody string. It’s like being in heaven while being with her; it is an ecstatic feeling of utmost bliss. The feeling that has no expression but feeling because the best feelings can never be draped with words and gestures – it is a thing of experience. The experience of lifetime!

It’s not that I’ve less respect or love (my hero - father, my adoration and affection - bro and sisters, and love of life – wife) for people in life, who make it interesting world for me, are any lesser but I’m unable to compare them with her. We cannot compare the incomparable. If they all are like different parts of the body; she is heart and sense beyond imaginations. She is unique and divine. She is good of good of everything. She is worship, culture, world-rights-duty, and way of life; everything I can think and sense of. She is living experience of Nature and God - I’m because she is! I feel so strongly of her and her grateful teachings.

I can fall and rise, stop and start, play and fly, lose and win, dip and delight, hide and home when she is by my side. I’m out of pangs, plans and pays of any kind for her blessings and kindness. The most distressful moments turns the most delightful moments of life as soon as I get to her. She is last medicine and resolution. I’m but her small reflection in the vast ocean of kindness and greatness.

There are millions of skyscrapers and houses in the world, we get to stay in many of them but can feel home only where there is mom. I’d leave it open to your imaginations what mom goes through in making a house home. She never complains about anything home but complements everything that’s fulfilling for us. It’s natural to feel nostalgic of home and mom while away. How come can one forget all the sweet memories of home and heavenly sacrifices of mother! I’m not just one of many to feel that way alone!! We feel that strong of home and mom for many identically identifiable reasons and feelings. And that we’re rooted that deeply in the roots of our being and kind that even after travelling across the globe we associate the best feelings back home… Therefore, it’s apt to put “East or West; Home is the Best!” I’m more so for mom!! Sincere love and thanks, Som


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