A remote view on Money
A remote view on Money
There could have been exchanges of multitudes in the past as there are many today. However, it has become very crucial to note that Money is a change agent and catalyst to most of the life changing events. It appears that since human evolution the mediums of exchange have been falling prey of a few; those, who keep developing means of no value but making them seem everything and of all value. We have traveled a lot through animals, stones, forests, fruits, grains, gold-metals, waters, plains, papers and faiths. We’re in transition to faithless, paperless, wireless and bitcoins and much more. It sounds to me that in sometime we’ll have virtually nothing to exchange for. This retorts me, if virtually nothing, won’t it be physically something! May/not be!!
It circles back to where we started off from. We moved a long distance from being animal to the real purpose of human life of being and keeping humanity alive. Either we marched so long that we lost our sight to the unfathomable almighty and see nothing but I/me/myself or we’re tricked by some to notice nothing but money.
This tears me. It must remind us all that we’re here so unique for a heavenly purpose. The purpose, at the least, of developing the divine qualities and nurturing humanity. While each has found some goals to play by to find oneself and to self-actualize; hasn’t it disconnected more than connected any. We have tried to redefine basics such as happiness; haven’t I lost more in finding what I wanted than what we would have ever wanted. Needless to say that needs are still needs for the needy but the wanton has over-shadowed the needs under the current wants.
The emotionless and faithless developments have always led to destruction if we go by the great scriptures of all times. Does my gain necessarily be your loss? It sounds very philosophical because there are very few rare occasions in real where loss and gain appear or are same. The rest is conning the balance of the two.
Let’s take a review of good and not so good that money-mind has got us to. I’m over-restricting myself to describe a lot with positive supposition that all know it well, therefore, will be able to draw their own conclusions. I’m trying to keep here not so positive aspect of money; however, to clear it out on the outset: I’m neither negative nor pessimistic about money and its impacts. I’m still indifferent.
Good moves, advantages and gains:
1. Machinery and Infrastructure: There has been a rapid change in how what and why should be done. It is known that we cannot move mountains but we can try. We’ve tried and manufactured miraculous buildings, machines, transport, communication channels. It is not that they never existed but they are bettered a lot more. It awakened our conscience from the sub consciousness that if machines directed and positioned well do wonders. Money made it possible to make machines, mansions, mavens and money. Nonetheless, to exploit natural resources!
2. Comfort and Individuality: World has seen a drastic change of manipulation of meaning of words for an individual or group of individuals’ suitability. Therefore, what comfort and individuality mean to me may not mean the same to you until I outsell my definition of it to you. Nevertheless, since machines have overtaken most of the tasks and infrastructure has developed to an extent where one can associate to something cozy, utilize it and retain one’s individuality. This means I want …xyz to show the world that this is me with so on and so forth. Money has given access to everyone to make appear what one wants to; provided that one has enough of it…
3. Intellectual power and Globalization: It is imperative to brush-up brain to see and outsmart people to still keep hold on money; because, money provided one with comfort, individuality, machines and infrastructure. I, now, need to have more of it to keep what I gained. To have more of it, I need to smart play and go global where I could better utilize my brain. I must intellectually co-create sensible deals where none finds lost but won…
4. Incremental creativity and Improvisation: Things have shown a change, a trend; either positive or negative. When it comes to money-mind, we’ve got to show things in better form every time so that I can cash-cow for the incremental creativity and improvisation. Now the incremental creativity could be manufacturing movement from iron, steel to plastic to paper and improvisation could be in shape, size, weight, color etc… Or it could be saying I can do it for you or get you something in so much lesser or in the same money but in better form from across the globe…
5. Cultural amalgamation and broken boundaries: This has been the most positive change ever since human evolution. Money has broken boundaries of whatsoever and brought people together around the planet. As people meet, cultures amalgamate. This brings out different art of Nature in the play. As it connects so it creates more competitiveness, desires and dreams. It is like setting the pet bird free…
6. Beliefs and Science: Boundaries break and cultures meet; we get too many stories from everyone. It is therefore required for us to arrange and re-arrange stories that relate to all in common. For that to happen we need to narrate common non-counter-able fictions first and then go along finding facts. As everyone begins to see the facts, we must show them how to apply the facts in real life. That’s when the science comes with many experiments on a particular fact and helps segregate facts and fiction i.e. E=MC^2. This is a subset of cultural mix and intellectual power position. It is not that belief and science were never there before; but it is that it was easier to differentiate then between both than today. We know the reasoning behind it: either could be molded to suite the talk. And that facts and fiction are apparently made volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous…
7. Sky high efforts to reach the sky: Wonder I knew what I’m for! Since money has given us machines, infrastructure, comfort, individuality, incremental creativity, merged cultures and broken boundaries, entrusted science and intellectual power. It became compelling on us to strive more, work more and stay ahead; because, money has not empowered only one but any who gets it. As it is so lucrative to keep it to keep everything else; we need to put in sky high efforts to reach the sky and beyond. It is like we got on to the sea-ship and now need to keep pace with the ever-changing atmosphere, unforeseen waves, darks and lights. And that we never want to come back to land; because that’s where we wanted to move away from… So, it’s all like travelling the new cosmos of its own making…
Not so good moves:
1. Pricing each object to subject: This is where it gets worrisome. Things may have prices but someone like us have value and not price. It pricks when invaluable ones are priced and subjected. Money can be anything but not everything. Money is not a life. It is not a feeling, an emotion, a faith and a human. It is just an artificial creation of us all. It is neither first nor final. It is never from heaven. It should remain as it was supposed to be, as I understand, a civilized way of living life wherein you never harm the humanity but respect the deed…
2. Running against the time: Not only money has made us so self-centered but also made us run against the time. None cares what is to happen, happens. We are running to change the course of the unseen times. It’s always good to have the insurance but will it stop you from dying. I’m not suggesting slowdown or stop doing everything you do but please review what you do is having a positive human impact on you and others around you…
3. Peril of human values: If we price everything and thereby run against the time to have everything; we don’t stop by and relook to weed out the fruitful crop we’ve planted. The weeds/bad qualities invariably germinate; don’t we need to timely uproot them. At one hand it is increasingly becoming important everywhere to nurture and maintain relationships and we’re getting better at it for the invested interests. On the other hand, we’re losing out on our moral, disciplinary and selfless relationships: the bonding of life and not of events. Shouldn’t we be affectionate rather than affectation, shouldn’t we be moral and righteous rather than more and right…
4. Class categorization: This is worst of all that has emerged out of money. I believe you’d trust that we probably wanted to move away from any classifieds. We hardly moved too much ahead of class divide of our own making in the past; be it caste, creed and or race. We seem to have added more to the list… back to square one! Money was supposed to help all equally as a medium but if some of us want to have all of it; how others would make it in here. Should we leave our fellow beings under suffering forever or allow or find alternates…
Both the sides of money has born many institutions of their just. However, we need to think for the overhaul for the betterment of not one or some but all... keeping humanity intact… love you all! Thanks, Som
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