Understanding the luck

Fate is a very interesting subject to talk about for so many reasons. There are many school of thoughts, philosophies, myths, beliefs, conventions and cultures that we encounter everyday. All have their own ways of looking at it. Their approach towards it is sometimes nostalgic, sometimes exulting, and sometimes indifferent. Some people believe in Fate and luck, others don't. There is a lot said and written about it as well. Almost all the paradoxical thoughts and arguments are nicely addressed. However, they have not yet been able to uproot it from the minds of the people. People are still lingering with it.

We hear the phrase that man is creator of his own destiny. Luck or fate is a weapon and pretext of the weak and the poor. There is a saying that hard work is pioneer to luck. All the workaholic people ought to be lucky then (healthy, wealthy and wise), shouldn't they? Do you really find all the diligent ones prosperous? Do you think everyone gets paid his/her due deserved credit of hard work? Can we also think for a minute and look around us and analyse our friends, acquaintances and kinsmen as how much efforts they put in to reap the little? You all will have different approaches, observations and answers on this. Some of you will have very pitiful thoughts and some very encouraging and others even more extremist on it.

Had your answers been the same, I'd have rejected the Fate and luck. Since you all will have different responses I'd like to quote my observations too. I neither strongly disagree nor agree to Fate,  luck and hard work. I always tend to incline towards the fact that there is a power, a force that runs this whole universe ceaselessly without being visible. Everyone remains busy throughout one's life. What motivates whom and how and why? May be the basic and fundamental needs for the life keep us all active. Who designs and makes it mandatory for us to eat, drink, and sleep etc... Here rise numberless questions now, who could that controlling force be? Is it God (roughly 70+% world's population believes in God in different names, shapes, beliefs)? With no offence to anyone (non believers in God), what came first on the earth is a subject under dispute and discovery.

An engineer who makes a car knows all the qualities, characteristics, features (good/bad) of it. He ensures that the user of the car is well informed and educated about the pros and cons of the product. A BMW is certainly looked higher than other cars as of today, right? The one who makes it knows it very well that how it's going to work. Now, with no offence again, can you make or assume a Maruti 800 a BMW? All the car engineers are Man (human). They manufacture different brands which have their own limitations and advantages. {(this is just to take an example which all of us can relate today) You can have your own instances to understand and relate to it.} Similarly, there is a god and when there is a god there is a fate. He manufactures us all. He also knows our brand. (probably the families that we are born in). He knows who has what capacity and capability. He has records of his products. There could be a few defects and defectives. He knows my worth and future like till what level I can grow and work. How much ever I work, I can't transform myself to you. Can a donkey become horse by any means? Can you milk a cow black? We can surely add the after effects i.e. may be we can use BMW's some particles in Maruti here and there, we can train a horse to enact like donkey and vice versa and/or we can mix black color to make milk black. But the originals cannot be created and changed except by the owner.

Those who say there is no fate and luck but we ourselves make it, I assume them to talking only about the after effects. They mean that you can also have certain modification and become like the person who you want to be and that is 100% true. Duplication and replication is almost possible. When we can substitute Iron and steel to plastic, we can mould ourselves too as per our aspirations. There can be thousands of people like Gandhi, may be even better than him, but can except he himself someone else become Gandhi.

The day the Sun rises in the west and revolves around the earth, ask me if there is fate and it can be changed. Ask me the same when stars twinkle in the day and the moon burns us. Ask me when creatures don't need to breathe yet can survive. Then I'd think otherwise and may join your school of thoughts.

I'd sum it up advising that we should accept and confess the fact of what we are. We will remain the same (I'll remain myself). Nevertheless, we must better explore and exploit our unexposed and unknown potential to the highest level possible. Were I a bike with 120 KMPH highest speed limit (I as a machine wouldn't know my own speed but the driver/manufacturer), my duty should be to run smoothly at 120KMPH accentuating with all the unexpected accelerations of slow and fast. If I perform better as a bike I'll be in demand. That's where the hard work comes in picture and then follows the luck. Finally, after anointment, we can live with the fact that the harder we work the luckier we get and the luckier we get the harder we work. They, hard work and luck/fate, follow none but co-exist. They are complementary to each other. Apparently, even a mom won't feed child until s/he cries. You yourself need to take the first leading step for whatever to wherever you may want to go.

Let's travel the untraveled world and show the path to the rest for the betterment!

Thanks & Regards, Som


  1. Wonderful Som.
    My thoughts were contradictory to you some where when you mention about the existence of God but with fate and luck I am with you.



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