Hard to reciprocate feelings
It's very hard to reciprocate feelings in a relationship. It's almost impossible to master the art of reciprocation. This is because no two persons can think alike all time in terms of momentary or static thoughts. It's surprising to learn that even though people live in the same environment, place, culture and have upbringing etc. in the same house, yet they will differ every now and then in their thinking, feelings, emotions, attitudes and approach towards the life. All siblings will have different kind of respect for each other irrespective of their age, even though they are twins, they tend not to match in their feelings or emotions.
Emotions are felt not perceived. The one who can master the emotions can control the world around. We seldom understand the real feelings of others attached to us or an object. We very often mistake to have understood it all. We go on with our perception or assumption caring little of the actual feeling that might need a completely unique way to deal with.
Love is the most adorable emotion to use here for instance. The word LOVE could mean, though would mean love only, yet differently among this group of people: Mother, Father, Son, Daughter, Child, Grandparents and Grandchildren so on and so forth. let's look how it would work in this group: Husband, Wife, Boyfriend, Girlfriend and finally between or among Friends. Within love only what husbands/wives would expect from their (except the physical needs) spouses is half understood and responded vice-verse. Mother's love is heavenly. Hardly any of us could reciprocate her feelings and wants from us out of love. When a guy or girl says s/he loves you, does s/he really mean that or just for the sake of saying s/he says it and then forgets but you get trapped in or vice-verse...
Had emotions been really understood, responded, replicated and actually reciprocated, we would not have had world wars, terrorism, riots, loots, anarchy and politics. We would have been the people on the heaven being on the earth. There would always be peace, prosperity, care and love. We would see all the most needed, desired and sought after things in abundance here. You would be what you wanted to be because I and others would understand what you wanted to be and would help you.
To make others feel exactly the same what you feel right now and forever of/about/for someone/something is in my terms called reciprocation. If you can do and sustain it or have done so, I'd like to see and salute you.
Let's set up a reciprocal relationship between/among our offspring. Give a try and understand reciprocation to make the world a better place!
Thank & Regards, Som
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