Let’s challenge money mindedness

We’ve lost so much into money making that we have forgotten our own identity. We see nothing of more value except money. I should get money I don’t care what it takes me to make it. I’ve least to bother about others or the world around me. If I plan to ponder on the society surrounding me for a minute I foresee no benefits, advantages and interests which can pay me back handsomely, therefore, why to waste time; I better use it for accumulating wealth. Once I’ve enough money, people start seeing me as an affluent; I’ll become charitable. I may open or encourage some NGOs or other welfare organizations and have my name in the books of the most humanist, merciful and caring people worldwide. Or let me own planes, islands, rivers, mountains and lands first, I’ll think of all pitiful things i.e. poor, needy, crumpled and crippled later. I, myself, am very much needy currently as I still need to account for a trip to the moon. If there is a very beautiful place on the moon I should own it. I can be the first person to be there and start the business of nourishing people on the moon. I can also help the earth by removing its some burden. I’ll be the first and the only one to issue passports for the moon visits. It seems a very nice and huge opportunity where I can make money by doing nothing. Once I overtake the moon, I’ll look out for other planets. I’ll, that way, help the world in finding out new lives and environments where they can live their will. If that happens, I’ll then have authority on all the planets in the cosmos and everything will stand still without my consent. People will look upon me for all small to big things. They will need to plead to me for anything they need. I’ll be the king, rather, the god. People will begin worshipping me by seeing my opulence. They will find me omnipresent in real sense as I will be.

I may probably put tax and vat on the supernatural visits if they ever happen. Whoever will claim to be supernatural or have encountered with supernatural powers will be questioned and understood if they ever existed. I might have to keep armed forces to handle miscreants. I shouldn’t risk the empire at the hands of any kind of human or machine errors that I’ve invested in so much. I must introduce a new system wherein every individual is given an identity card with my approval and signature. The one who cannot abide by the rules shall be thrown out in dark flames.

We all think and act on the similar lines. The dream could be smaller or bigger of enriching your pockets; we tend to miss the fundamentals of the humanity. We care little while destroying the nature, breaking the hearts, tormenting the righteous, crumpling the poor, torturing the needy and exploiting the innocent; only for the money. I couldn’t imagine that we can fall so down where no head can reflect on anything but money.

Money has been corrupting the society from the times immemorial. It’s high time that we should come out of it and start thinking out of the box. We’ve left all our social, cultural, traditional, ritual and parental love, care and responsibilities at the risk of money. We have not been progressing in a right direction for tomorrow. Any deviation we take from the paths outlined in the great scriptures of the world, we are not only spoiling the present and our own self conscience but badly affecting the future. We’re setting wrong values for our offspring. I doubt if any corrupt dad can advise his child not to be corrupt. If he does so also, it won’t make much difference to the child; because by the time it gets communicated the child may have already inculcated and inherited the habits and learning available at home.

I wish all of us can leverage the learning that how badly the money mindedness is influencing us every single minute. It’s becoming almost impossible for the poor to breathe. The inflation has eaten up roughly about 40+% of world population.

I don’t deny the fact that money is not the only reason for price hike, corruption, gambling etc.; however, I’m less willing to accept the fact that without money we are worthless. I want to reinforce it in the minds of the people that if you don’t initiate to stay away from money making it’s no one else who are going to do it. The best way to do it is not to encourage, appreciate and honor money making by any means. I strongly believe that when one is not valued even after having whole wealth of the world s/he will feel like sick fish which has come out of the water with the flow but could not make it back in water and dies out right there.

Let’s combine and collaborate to initiate not to value money but values and principles of a righteous life and personality to bring about the change that we badly need right now right here.

Hope we will leave the world a little better for the people yet to come!

Thanks & Regards, Som


  1. Very well framed Som. This is indeed a very good blog.
    I some times ponder that why dont all the people think good, why dont everybody has the same mindset. Then i realized, there was a reason for every thing. Money gives you reasons. Why to and why not to..


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